Your November 17, 2016 edition of the Washington Informer was outstanding. I just loved reading all of the articles you and your staff of talented writers produced. I just wanted to write and express to you how wonderful not only this week’s Informer was, but how wonderful it is to be able to get a copy of this wonderful paper every week for free. I don’t know how you are able to deliver such an outstanding newspaper each and every week at no cost, but whatever you are doing, please keep doing it, because I just love The Informer.

Marjorie Flowers, Fort Washington, MD

America is Greater than One Man – Even Donald Trump

The scariest thing about the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America is that people are afraid. Fear is a dangerous emotion. Once fear gets its grip on you it can immobilize you, it can depress you, and it can make you think that there is no hope. And that, you see, is exactly what our new president and his incoming administration want people to feel. Our new president is a showman; he and his crew understand the art of intimidation and how to initiate a sense of fear to get what they want. Yes, Donald Trump is our president, but he is also a man, and we should not fear him. America is a country founded on basic human rights and laws, and no man is above these laws, no matter what they might think. Just remember the late Richard Nixon.

Cameron Jones, Washington, DC

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