One flibanserin tablet, also known as "Viagra for women." (Allen G. Breed)
One flibanserin tablet, also known as "Viagra for women." (Allen G. Breed)
One flibanserin tablet, also known as “Viagra for women.” (Allen G. Breed)

(NBC News) – Amanda Parrish noticed her new neighbor up the street right away. She had recently divorced and had four children. He was a dad of two.

For the first few years of their relationship — before they would later wed — the Nashville couple spent every other weekend together. And yes, we mean “together.” But then something changed and Amanda’s libido tanked.

“I was becoming one of those people who would opt to stay out later on a weekend night or try to be in bed and maybe be asleep before Ben came to bed,” she said.

But when she signed up for a clinical trial of a little pink pill called Flibanserin, things began to change.


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